Saturday, November 22, 2008

Past Lives Regression with Brian Weiss

November 22, 2008
A vivid memory as a child was at the cabin on the river,  I saw my hand print in the cement dated 1967.  This was my happiest time as a child.  I felt free and totally loved by Marjory.  It helped me realized that I was not happy at my home, nothing bad at my home, but I don't remember a household of love, while with Marjory, that was always constant.  I remember always asking myself why Mom married John, I always got the feeling he was just putting up with us.

In the womb, I see Mom, Dad, Danny and Marjory.  I think my connection with Marjory was at that moment, Marjory did not diminish Mom's love, but only supplemented it, as this was what was going to be needed when my Father died 4 years later.  I felt love at my birth and happiness.

I see a life as an Asian boy, then grows to be a rice farmer, a very hard labor life, but surrounded by a large family.  Peaceful death, coming into this life.  I think I choose this life as one not of hard labor, but to learn to be able to give.

in the 1500, I see myself as an artist that is kept by wealth, and seduced by that.  

Clarence: Curt's Father ring,  I see apple pie, smelled wheat, and felt an over powering figure, in his mother I see only love and caring.  I feel he blames himself as being careless for his accident. Curt playing in a creek near the farm, and Curt not liking to get dirty.

Other impression of today:
Let go of anger, fear, unknown, and control.  See the soul in all, if not the present form.  Cultivate compassion.  Today is my development for tomorrow.  What I am today, is a building block of tomorrow.  

I am worthy of love.