Wednesday, August 6, 2008


July 27 - Mama Mia,(4/5) Loved it, although cringed a bit when Pierse Brosnon sang, very painful. Merril could not sing, but she acted the singing and that made it work. After see this movie, We need to go to Greece, Skopelos and Skiathos, two islands in the Northern Sporades.

July 29, (6 Hour flight from RI)
When we saw Annette Bening last year at the ACT event, we put in our que
-Mrs. Harris (4/5) Excellent acted film, Mrs Harris being the woman who killed the Diet Doctor in the 70's.

-Being Julia (4/5) Julia is a English actress in London in the 30's, who toys with a younger man, then has the last laugh on a young starlet.

- Dinner Party (2/5) Dont know how this got on my netflix. I probably thought is was going to be a gay movie. This was a french movie where a dinner party was planned each week, and the member had to invite a random person who they thought was stupid, and they could make fun of, but in the end, the "Stupid" invitee was superior to those that got their kicks from making other small.

Aug 24, 2008 - Lives of Others - When the wall was still up in Germany, this story follows the lives of Artists that are interrogated for their views of the west. The true hero is the one who was doing the surveillance. It is a story of what you believe, and how far you will go.
Sep 12, 2008 - Miss Pettigrow lives for a day - Amy Adams and Frances McDormand do a wonderful period piece performance. Follows the day of each, and how each other has an impact into their true destiny. Funny and light hearted.

Sep 20, 2008 - Burn after Reading - 6 out of 10, Expecting more, but great acting. Followings the lives of bumbling idiots who expect something for nothing, the story is a bit predictable.
Nov 28, 2008 - MILK - Superior acting, and a poiniant story. loved how they transformed Castro. It was disheartening that 30 years later prop 8 looses, in 1978 those same issues of save the children was the tactic, but lost in 1978. Penn should ge the best actor award, as he was Harvey Milk.

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