Friday, August 15, 2008


Aug 2, 2008 - Drowsey Chaperon, Took Brent and Lexi. This was a perfect show for two teens, who had never been to the theatre. The show was light, with a cute narrative story, based on the main character living out scenes from audio recordings.

Aug 14, 2008 - Zona, (NCTC). When we were first told this was going to be a unique production, we were not sure what we were in for, reminded us both back in Dallas, when we went to the day of theater, sitting in the basement of the theater, wondering what the hell was going on... Anyway, this show was not that weird, it was a visual show, that took mid-century scenes and reenacted them. The art to this show, was the production; the way the show was put together via video and staging. The drag actress in one scene is holding a story book, and the video projection is placed on the pages. What brought it all together was staying for the discussion following the performance. They explained Zona and the sheath, and breaking those barriers. The big bad wolf was a Central part, which was my take of "man-eat-man" world. We appreciated that the performance was less than an hours, and any more than that would have been overload.

Aug 23, 2008 - Friends for Ever (NCTC) Hated it. The play was well written, carefully crafted dialogue, however when the message of the story is that it is acceptable for gay couples to be in a "committed" relationship, but still have fuck buddies, is not the story that we see as acceptable in a year that we are celebrating marriage and commitment.
September 26, 2008 - Bronz Tales (GG) Very good production. I knew I was going to love it when we learned it had no intermission... when it starts out with one character telling the story, I thought I would be day dreaming for the next hour and a half, but it kept my interest, the actor did a great job telling his bronz tale of what is moral, and in the end Karma does settle the score.
Oct 10, 2008 - Spring Awakening (Curran) Absolutely loved it. The way they weaved an old charater story into a modern setting. It really reminds you when you were a teen, how everything was absolute, and the meaning of life was sharp.
Oct 18, 2008 - History Boys (NCTC) Excellent production for the NCTC. Wonderfully acted on the whole, saw the show with Patti and Rusty. For me, I am glad that I had seen the movie, and I might have missed some of the subelties.
Dec 13, 2008 - Zanadont (NCTC) Loved it. Well acted musical, cute show for the Holidays, and a nice spin on what it would be like in a world turn around. The lead's vocal were a bit weak, but he was still the star of the show.

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